Everyone at the The Old Library, welcomes those who may require accessibility assistance and we will do our best to ensure the best possible service for all customers.
There is one step up into the venue for which we can provide ramp access. There is step free access into the bar area and gig rooms. Please note that our main gig room has a door width of 74cm, all other internal doors are wider. If you have discomfort in standing we will be able to provide seating in a suitable position with a safe view of the stage. Please get in touch stating your expected time of arrival and we’ll get prepared.
Assistance dogs are welcome into the venue.
We understand that a hidden disability is not immediately apparent. If you would like support or advice in advance of your visit please contact us with your questions to sales@musicroomlondon.com.
We are happy to offer a + 1 ticket to customers requiring assistance in order to attend the event. If you require a PA / Companion ticket please purchase your own ticket and then apply for a PA ticket by emailing sales@musicroomlondon.com with the relevant details at your earliest convenience. We are unable to offer a + 1 for shows that are sold out.
The Old Library has a wheelchair accessible toilet via a long shallow ramp into the bathroom block. Manual wheelchair users may require assitance, we will be happy to help.
There is a ramp leading to the bathroom block and access to the beer garden.
Limited on street parking is available on New Cross Rd a short distance adjacent to the venue.
In the first instance, if you're in the bar, do ask to speak to a manager. If you're not happy with our response, or you’re unable to speak with a bar manager, please contact us on sales@musicroomlondon.com as soon as possible.
We’ll get back to you as soon as we can and at the latest, within seven days.
Friday: 5pm – 11pm
Saturday: 5pm – 11pm
Sunday: 1pm -9pm
Nearest overground station: New Cross Gate
Overground More info »
Nearby bus stops served by:
21, 172, 53, 453, More info »
Never risk using an unlicensed taxi. Text CAB to 60835 to receive numbers for two local mini-cab companies and one black taxi number.
We operate a covid safer environment with (gold) washbasins on entry and hand sanitisers placed around the building.
The Old Library Bar has a Zero Tolerance policy to Violence, Abuse or Harassment
We do not tolerate any form of violence, abuse, discrimination, or harassment. This means:
All of our staff, attendees and artists have the right to be in a safe environment, without being spoken to in an offensive, rude or abusive way.
We ask that no assumptions about our staff, attendees and artists’ sexuality or gender identity are made.
We will not tolerate any forms of assault, harassment or offensive language. This may include speaking to others unkindly, using sexist, racist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic, ageist or any other form of discriminatory language or being openly disrespectful of venue staff, attendees, and artists.
If you are attending a gig at the Old Library Bar, we expect attendees to:
Listen to what people say to you and do not make assumptions about them or what they might like/dislike. Respect their boundaries and amend your behaviour accordingly
Only touch people with their express consent. When moving through the crowd say ‘excuse me’ (a tap on the shoulder may be okay if they don’t initially hear you)
Cease conversation or physical contact with someone when they request or imply that you stop
Do not stare at people
If you feel uncomfortable come and talk to us
If you have caused someone to feel uncomfortable then we will want to talk to you.
What to do if you experience harassment or violence at the venue
We understand that people react differently to harassment and violence. Our aim is to support targeted people and so please tell us about incidents as soon as you feel able. We recognise that for some people this may be after the event.
On the night, speak to any member of staff or direct message us privately to tell us what has happened. We will support you
If you decide to talk to us at a later date, you can talk to us in person, on the phone or via email sales@musicroomlondon.com
We will treat the incident confidentially, unless you ask us to do otherwise
If the incident was perpetrated by a member of staff, we will take this very seriously
If you wish to report the incident anonymously or via a friend, we will do all we can to ensure that such incidents don’t happen again
If you witness harassment, violence or other discrimination please tell us so that we can support the targeted person.